samedi 30 avril 2016

Welcome to the blogging world

Hello everybody!

1st article of the blog! What should I do?.. Oh yeah  rememver!

Let me introduce myself. You can call me Simba (it's almost my real name, you just have to switch a letter and you will find it ^^) and I'm a student who is about to be graduated! And after that, the tough mission to find a position (I'm almost ready for this!). I began to play violin months ago, but because of final exams, I have to take it up again (I learn it in freelance).

I live somewhere in Northern France (it's really cold outhere and sun is playing "hide and seek") and despite everything we have nice places to visit, in particular castles and many paved ways.

What do I study? International management and everything related to economics, translations, civilisations, business and also logistics (Incoterms...).

According to me, blogging is a very good way to share our interests in a large scale and I need to keep a good level of English (as I speak 3 other languages, which are French, Spanish and Dutch, improving them is very important).

This blog will deal with my travels (I travel as often as I can, symbol of open-mindedness), featuring posts from social networks (for instance Instagram & Pinterest) & fashion styles (I love suits and I have so many ties I forgot the count !).

Feel free to leave your comments, your opinion would be great to make my blog better.

Greetings from France! ;)

For the first photo, here is the Palace of Compiègne ;)
Disclaimer : the photo below was taken by me.